Calculate Your HDB Sales Proceeds Accurately!


Calculating HDB Sales Proceeds is not exactly the hardest, but yet most sellers will feel confused and uncertain when trying to calculate it themselves.

Your Finances are important, and you definitely do not want to get this wrong right?

Today, we shall show you how you can calculate your HDB sales finances, confidently all by yourself!

So, how can you calculate your HDB Sales Proceeds correctly without seeking a property agent’s help?

Your HDB Sales Proceeds can be easily calculated by using your HDB Selling Price minus your Outstanding Mortgage Loan, Total CPF Refund and other Miscellaneous Transaction Fees.

And the Sales Proceeds amount will be the Cash Amount which you will receive for the sale of your HDB flat.

Let’s dive in and show you what you need to get the required figures for your calculation:

Outstanding Mortgage Loan

When you sell your HDB flat, this will be the first thing that needs to be paid off first.

So, it is important to find out what is your outstanding mortgage loan amount.

(if your HDB is fully paid, you may skip to the CPF Property Refund section)

There are basically only 2 types of mortgage loan – HDB Loan & Bank Loan.

If you are unsure how to check your outstanding loan amount, here’s our in-depth guide on how you can check your HDB flat’s outstanding mortgage loan amount.

CPF Property Refund

Have you or any of your co-owners used your CPF to finance the purchase of the HDB flat?

As long as you have used your CPF to pay for the initial downpayment, mortgage installments, or even if you have previously obtained a CPF Housing Grant, you will be required to refund these amounts back to CPF when you sell your HDB.

The CPF refund amount will have to include the CPF Accrued Interest as well.

If you are unsure about the amount, here’s our detailed guide on how you can check your CPF Property Refund Amount.

Miscellaneous Transaction Fees

You also want to know the complete details on what other costs are involved in selling your HDB flat right?

Let’s show you all the Miscellaneous Transaction Fees that you need to expect:

HDB Resale Application Fee

$40 (2 room flat & below)

$80 (3 room flat & above)

Basically, this is HDB’s processing fee for helping you to process the selling of your HDB flat. And it will just be a flat fee of $40 or $80 payable to HDB when you submit your selling transaction to HDB.

Property Agent Fees

1% to 3% (Market rate is 2%)

The typical market rate that professional property agents charge for selling a HDB flat is 2% of the eventual selling price.

If you are looking for the best value for yourself, do check out our HDB selling service at very Fair and Low Commission Rates, from just a fixed fee at $1888! You can discover how we promise to give you the best HDB selling experience here.

You can talk to us first, and decide whether are you comfortable with us, and find out what we can offer you.

After all, you will want your entire selling experience to be pleasant, and not encounter any frustrations along the way.

Selling Legal Fees

HDB Lawyer – est. $250 to $600

Private Lawyer – est. $1500

There are only 2 options for you: HDB Lawyer or Private Lawyer.

It is simple to decide if you just want the cheapest option available (everyone does this).

HDB Lawyer will be the cheaper option, and their legal fees are usually just a few hundred dollars (normally between $250 to $600).

But, you can only use HDB Lawyer for your conveyancing if your current HDB flat is under a HDB Loan, or is already fully paid.

The exact Legal Fee charged by HDB lawyer depends on your Flat Type, Outstanding Mortgage and Sale Price.

You can use this free HDB Legal Fee Calculator to get an accurate estimate of your legal fees if you decide to use HDB for your flat sale conveyancing.

If your HDB flat is on a Bank Loan, then your only option will be to engage a Private Lawyer for your HDB sale conveyancing.

The typical market rate for Private Law Firm Legal Fees to act on your HDB sale is about $1500.

Exact HDB Sales Proceeds Calculation Steps

Before you start with the calculation, you will need a Selling Price as basis for your calculation.

If you are unsure, we have prepared a comprehensive guide to help you find out how much your HDB flat can sell for.

Ready? Let’s dive into the calculation.

To keep it simple, calculation is basically:

Selling Price (Minus)

(-) Outstanding Mortgage Loan

(-) Total CPF Refund

(-) Any Miscellaneous Fees

And you will know what is your final balance sales proceeds.

Here’s an example for your easy understanding:

   $500,000 (Selling Price)

– $150,000 (Outstanding Loan)

– $250,000 (CPF Refund)

   $100,000 (Cash Proceeds)

– $10,000 (If 2% Agent Fees)

   $90,000 (Cash Balance)

The above example shows a $100,000 Cash Proceeds which seller will receive from HDB on the Completion Appointment Date.

This is what property agents usually term as ‘Positive Sale’, as sellers will be able to get back cash upon selling their flat.

And with this Cash Proceeds, seller can then use it to pay their property agent fees.

* Do note that we did not include the HDB Resale Application Fee ($80) and HDB Legal Fee in the calculation example as these fees would have to be paid separately by sellers during the transaction process

Having a Positive Sale is a good situation to be in, but if you find out that you are in a Negative Sale, not all hope is lost.

If you really still need to sell, talk to us, and we can properly advice you on your Negative Sale.

Negative Sale

In today’s market, it is rather common that some sellers see a ‘Negative Sale’ upon doing up their financial calculation.

This is mainly caused by sellers previously buying their HDB flat at a higher price, or it could be just simply due to the CPF accrued interest.

If you are facing this, and would love to read about it in detail, here is our comprehensive post about negative sale.

To show you clearly, here’s an example of a negative sale:

   $500,000 (Selling Price)

– $300,000 (Outstanding Loan)

– $250,000 (CPF Refund)

   $50,000 (Negative Sale)

In this example, you can see that there is a $50,000 negative sale.

And what will happen to the sellers when they face a negative sale?

According to CPF regulations, sellers are supposed to do a cash top-up for this $50,000 to put the amount back to their CPF.

However, CPF will on case by case basis, allow sellers to write off their negative sale amount provided the HDB flat is not sold below valuation.

So, if you are facing a negative sale but still need to sell your HDB flat to move on, you can proceed with your plans without much worries.


In the above example where the Total CPF Refund is $250,000 and the Negative Sale is $50,000 – Take note that only a balance of $200,000 will be available to be put back into the CPF account.

(Bonus) Financial Planning for Next Purchase

Now, with your Sales Proceeds calculation done up confidently, you may want to start planning for your future property purchase.

So how do you know what is your financial budget for your next property purchase?


You just need to add these figures up to get your maximum purchase budget:

  • Total CPF Refunded
  • Cash Proceeds From Sale
  • Current Existing CPF Available for Property Purchase
  • Maximum Approved Loan Amount

With your maximum purchase budget now a clearer picture, you can easily plan your finances for your purchase.

Just take note that when deciding your purchase price, remember to add in the Buyer Stamp Duty / Additional Buyer Stamp Duty.

If you are still unsure and preferred a proper, full detailed calculation to be done for you, do get in touch with us and we’ll be glad to assist you!

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